In 43 AD, Claudius sent AulusPlautius with four legions to Britain.Thrace, Noricum, Pamphylia, Lycia, and Judea were annexed.Claudius remained grateful to the guard, issuing coins with tributes to the Praetorians in the early part of his reign.Resorted to bribery to secure army loyalty.Because he was proclaimed Emperor on the initiative of the Praetorian Guard instead of the Senate, he suffered at the hands of commentators.Adopted the name “Caesar” and dropped the name “Nero”.The Senate was forced to give in and Claudius pardoned nearly all assassins.The Senate heard of this claim and demanded to see Claudius for approval.Claudius hid when the German guard cut several uninvolved noblemen.Caligula appointed him co-consul in 37 AD.They requested that Claudius should be allowed to debate in the Senate.Augustus dies in 14 AD, and Tiberius allowed him to start the cursushonorum.Arch of Pavia erected with his name inscribed.Claudius began work on a history of the Civil Wars.Then put under the care of a “former mule-driver”.Mother passed him off to his grandmother Livia.Afflicted with a limp and slight deafness.In 9 BC, his father died on campaign in Germania.Tiberus Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.